
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Soggy Chickadee

Black-capped ChickadeeBlack-capped Chickadee, Fernhill Wetlands, Forest Grove, Oregon on 8 October 2009 by Greg Gillson.


A cool (38F) but pleasant fall morning at the local wetlands. Not very many birds, but more than present most of the summer. I got some photos of Great Egrets, a Wilson's Snipe side-by-side with a Long-billed Dowitcher, a Bewick's Wren, and this Black-capped Chickadee. Other birds that I wasn't able to photograph included several fly-over American Pipits, a single locally rare lingering White Pelican of a group of 13 present since July, and several Common Mergansers and Wood Ducks. There are many Golden-crowned Sparrows singing and calling and still a few Common Yellowthroats remaining.

This Black-capped Chickadee was wet from gleaning insects in the heavy dew of the ash trees. It was in a group of chickadees, likely a family. I've discussed Black-capped Chickadees previously.

Scheduled for October 19 is a discussion of Mountain Chickadee.

Next up, though, on Monday, October 12 is a discussion of Marsh Wren.