
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Memorial Day weekend at Malheur: Part 19

Yellow Warbler Yellow Warbler at Benson Pond on Malheur NWR, Oregon on 30 May, 2010 by Greg Gillson.


[Click to read all Memorial Day weekend at Malheur posts.]

Down through the middle of Malheur NWR leads the Central Patrol Road. Much of it follows willow-lined channels. Two birds are abundant here in spring: Willow Flycatchers and Yellow Warblers. The male Yellow Warblers, with their red-streaked breasts, are so bright that many photos of them are over-exposed.

In the south end of the refuge is Benson Pond and P Ranch. Nearby is the "town" of Frenchglen. The campground of Page Springs is 3 miles east.

Benson Pond Birders at Benson Pond on Malheur NWR, Oregon on 30 May, 2010 by Greg Gillson.

The Blitzen River comes roaring down a canyon on the west side of the Steens Mountains and comes out into the valley at Page Springs Campground. There are many willow clumps here as the once rushing stream becomes a slow channeled water course, controlled for water levels on the entire rest of the refuge.