
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Memorial Day weekend at Malheur: Part 27

Cinnamon Teal Cinnamon Teal at Malheur NWR, Oregon on 30 May, 2010 by Greg Gillson.


[Click to read all Memorial Day weekend at Malheur posts.]

Well, we've done it! This Cinnamon Teal, a common breeding bird in the Malheur region, is the last photo in this series.

And what a pretty duck it is, common in every roadside ditch and puddle!

We've covered some of the birds and showed some scenery from the flooded agricultural fields of Burns and Hines in the north to the tiny town of Frenchglen in the south, with Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in the middle.

We didn't head farther south to the similarly tiny hamlet of Fields and its oasis or any of the seasonal streamlets near the border with Nevada. And the road up the Steens will not be open until later summer when the snow melts more on its 9000 foot summit. We didn't head east to Diamond Craters or Round Barn. And we didn't venture north of Burns to Idlewild Campground and its ponderosa pine birds.

But we did cover the main portion of "Malheur" during, perhaps, a typical 4-day trip during Memorial Day weekend.

I hope you enjoyed it!

The photos presented in this series, as well as additional photos, are in my pBase photo archive. I will probably be adding to the photos over the next year as I go through all the shots. After all, I am still working on some of the photos from 2009!