
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Backyard birds of... Seattle, Washington

Chestnut-backed ChickadeeChestnut-backed Chickadee, Newport, Oregon on 15 September 2008 by Greg Gillson.


The following common yardbirds are found in Seattle, Washington.

The seasons listed are those when most common, though some individuals may occur at other seasons.

Rock Pigeon, year round
Band-tailed Pigeon, spring, summer, fall
Mourning Dove, year round
Anna's Hummingbird, year round
Rufous Hummingbird, spring, summer
Downy Woodpecker, year round
Northern Flicker, year round
Western Wood-Pewee, summer
Warbling Vireo, spring, summer
Steller's Jay, year round
American Crow, year round
Violet-green Swallow, spring, summer, fall
Barn Swallow, spring, summer, fall
Black-capped Chickadee, year round
Chestnut-backed Chickadee, year round
Bushtit, year round
Red-breasted Nuthatch, year round
Bewick's Wren, year round
Winter Wren, year round
Golden-crowned Kinglet, year round
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, fall, winter, spring
Swainson's Thrush, summer, fall
American Robin, year round
Varied Thrush, year round
European Starling, year round
Cedar Waxwing, spring, summer, fall
Orange-crowned Warbler, spring, summer
Yellow-rumped Warbler, fall, winter, spring
Black-throated Gray Warbler, spring, summer
Townsend's Warbler, fall, winter, spring
Wilson's Warbler, spring, summer
Western Tanager, spring, summer
Spotted Towhee, year round
Fox Sparrow, fall, winter, spring
Song Sparrow, year round
White-crowned Sparrow, year round
Golden-crowned Sparrow, fall, winter, spring
Dark-eyed Junco, year round
Black-headed Grosbeak, spring, summer
Red-winged Blackbird, year round
Brewer's Blackbird, year round
Brown-headed Cowbird, spring, summer, fall
Purple Finch, year round
House Finch, year round
Red Crossbill, year round
Pine Siskin, winter, spring
American Goldfinch, spring, summer, fall
Evening Grosbeak, winter, spring
House Sparrow, year round

This list was compiled based on information on the Seattle Audubon's BirdWeb site, as well as Seattle Audubon's Backyard Bird Feeding web site, and Seattle-area Backyard Birds by Christine Vadai.