
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Female Evening Grosbeak

Evening GrosbeakEvening Grosbeak, female, Forest Grove, Oregon on 15 May 2009 by Greg Gillson.


This spring I took far more photos than I could prepare in my digital darkroom. Now that summer has arrived and my bird photography has scaled back a bit, I am able to go back through my spring photos and prepare a few more for display.

I wanted to share this photo of a female Evening Grosbeak. It appeared in my backyard-to-be in May, along with the more striking male Evening Grosbeak.

The large flocks of grosbeaks that descended to the valley floor for the maple bloom have now returned to the hills. However, one pair remains--evidently to breed, and I hear them flying around our neighborhood every few days--though they have not returned to the feeders (that I have noticed).