
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NW Birding blogs

Rufous HummingbirdRufous Hummingbird, Forest Grove, Oregon on 16 April 2010, by Greg Gillson.


It has been 9 months since I last wrote a birding carnival--a peek at the various topics that birding bloggers in the Pacific NW are writing about.

As always, I am especially interested in good photography, interesting topics, and accurate and educational information.

Dave Irons wrote about refractive colors on birds on the BirdFellow blog: When Black is Green: Iridescence on Common Loons

Mike Patterson's North Coast Diaries discusses the migratory races of Ruby-crowned Kinglets passing through right now in: Two kinds of kinglets

On Rich Ditch's Photography Blog, Rich explains how he uses his vehicle as a birding blind in How I did it.

John Rakestraw took us birding in Tillamook Bay, Oregon, in Three Graces Tidal Area. I've only known those rocks as "Harlequin Duck Rocks."

Lee Rentz takes us exploring in the Bodie Hills of California. No birds, but great scenic photography of a little-known place in his post titled: Shhhh … Don’t tell anyone about this leaked federal document!.

The Northwest Nature Nut takes us Down the Garden Path at Bishop's Close Gardens.

The Backyard Bird Shop discusses The Hazards of Migration and what we can do about it in our own backyards.

The Portland Oregon Backyard Birds blog visited Commonwealth Park in Beaverton.

John E. Riutta reviews the new iBird Yard, the digital field guide for the iPad.

In an inexplicable range expansion east of Portland, Andy Frank photographed the first Multnomah County, Oregon Wrentit.

Another County Birding Record, Charles Swift photographed a Latah Co. Long-billed Curlew near Moscow, Idaho on his BirdaPalousa Blog.

Spring has arrived in Seattle, and the Nature Geek Northwest (aka Fiona) photographed some spring flowers. And I even recognize some of them! Her post is Now blooming in Oak Bay Native Plant Garden.

Robert Mortenson, the Idaho Birder, gives us some Swainson's Hawk ID tips.

Bill Schiess' Wild in Idaho gives a personal look at a bird I've never seen, in his post Sharp-tailed Grouse are at it again.

Rhett is Bound to Bird with American Bitterns as his target species at Ridgefield NWR, Washington in his post Sunshine and Life Birds.

Up in Vancouver, British Columbia, the White-crowned Sparrows have arrived and Rick Wright of Aimophila Adventures blogs about their songs.