
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cedar Waxwing feeding on hawthorn berries

Cedar WaxwingCedar Waxwing, Forest Grove, Oregon on 21 October 2010 by Greg Gillson.


Viewing Cedar Waxwings is always a joy. What is it about these subtly-colored birds that makes them so exciting? Maybe it is their distinctive crests or bandit-masks or hyperactivity. I don't know. But as their flocks buzz about hawking insects or descend on a fruiting tree in autumn, they always make me pause to watch.

Recently I came across a hawthorn tree loaded with berries... and Cedar Waxwings. They were gulping down these big berries. I don't know how many each bird was eating, but they were gorging themselves. The berries were rather large, but down they went. Whole. Gulp. On to the next.

Cedar Waxwing


Take a careful look. What else can we see and learn about this waxwing? Stay tuned for more about this waxwing on November 4....