
Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Foto: White-throated Sparrow

White-throated SparrowWhite-throated Sparrow, Beaverton, Oregon, 19 February 2011 by Greg Gillson.


A bird at my feeder. Taken through the window, looking down on the bird, so not good technique or style. But it is my best photo of this species so far.

White-throated Sparrows are regular, but rather scarce in the Pacific NW. They nest across Canada, from NE British Columbia eastward and in the US around the Great Lakes an NE states to New York. Primarily they migrate east of the Rocky Mountains, but some winter and migrate through the Pacific NW. They often show up at feeders.

Though similar to the more common White-crowned Sparrow, they are brighter on the back, with bright rusty wing edges--so often stand out as different. They sing in migration (sometimes in winter, too) and are quite loud.