The following common yardbirds are found in Fresno, California.
The seasons listed are those when most common, though some individuals may occur at other seasons.
Rock Pigeon, year round
Mourning Dove, year round
Rufous Hummingbird, summer, fall
Black-chinned Hummingbird, summer, fall
Anna's Hummingbird, year round
Acorn Woodpecker, year round
Red-breasted Sapsucker, winter
Hairy Woodpecker, winter
Downy Woodpecker, winter
Nuttall's Woodpecker, winter
Northern Flicker, year round
American Crow, year round
Western Scrub-Jay, year round
Bushtit, year round
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, winter
American Robin, year round
Northern Mockingbird, year round
Cedar Waxwing, winter
Western Tanager, spring, fall
Black-headed Grosbeak, spring, fall
Spotted Towhee, spring, fall
White-crowned Sparrow, winter
Golden-crowned Sparrow, winter
Dark-eyed Junco, winter
Lincoln's Sparrow, spring, fall
Song Sparrow, winter
Bullock's Oriole, summer
Hooded Oriole, summer
Brown-headed Cowbird, spring
American Goldfinch, fall, winter, spring
Lesser Goldfinch, winter
Pine Siskin, winter
House Finch, year round
House Sparrow, year round
This checklist is based on information provided in the
Bird feeding guide for the city of Fresno as provided by the Fresno Audubon Society.